Functional Medicine


Functional medicine in Tolland CT addresses the root cause of disease and treats the whole person, not just the symptoms. Strategies such as advanced laboratory work-ups, nutrition, diet and exercise are utilized to both treat and prevent illness in our patients.

Functional Medicine in Tolland CT


An Appointment Today!

Learn more about how functional medicine may be able to help you


  • Parimenopausal & Menopausal Symptoms

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Fatigue

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Sleep issues

  • Fertility Problems

  • Digestive issues

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Brain Health

  • Healthy Weight & Aging

  • Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome

  • Pediatric Nutritional Concerns

  • ADHD


Functional Medicine Services Offered

  • Menopause Makeover Program

  • Hormone Testing

  • Urine analysis

  • Food Sensitivity Testing

  • Complete Dietary Assessment

  • Genetic Testing

  • Comprehensive Gut Testing

  • Detoxification Program

  • Customized Nutrition Plans

  • Whole Food Professional Grade Nutritional Supplements

  • Advanced Laboratory Work-ups

Our Approach

Committed to help you reach optimal health through a functional medicine approach

Functional Medicine Tolland CT Our Approach
  • Personalized Holistic Programs

  • advanced laboratory workup

  • caring and committed clinicians

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Functional Medicine Consultation Today!

Our Professional TEAM

Erin Shepherd D.C.
Dr. Erin has completed extensive post-graduate education and mentorships in functional medicine, nutrition, neurology, pediatrics and pregnancy care. She is a chiropractor and certified functional medicine doctor.

How Does Functional Medicine Work?

Functional medicine sees each person as an individual and looks for that person's root cause for their illness. The approach is patient-centered and science-based. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s biochemical, genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors to determine personalized treatment plans.

Dr. Shepherd works primarily over the phone with functional medicine and nutrition patients because the health programs we design are based on advanced laboratory testing and a comprehensive history that can easily be done in your home. The type of tests that are used are stool, saliva, urine, and sometimes blood tests. Dr. Shepherd uses a whole-body approach to get to the root cause of symptoms. The focus is on creating personalized treatment plans and creating optimal health for each individual.

It is required that you have your own primary care physician. Dr. Shepherd does not provide acute care services but will work with you on preventative, nutritional, and functional medicine to help address the root cause of chronic health problems. If you have a medical emergency, you must contact your primary care physician or dial 911.

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Functional Medicine Consultation Today!

What Makes Functional Medicine Different

Functional medicine is one of the few healthcare choices that view the body as a whole. This is important considering that every single system in your body is dependent on the next to function properly. To take this holistic approach, our practitioners consider all variables including; your personal history, genetic makeup, occupational, nutritional, and social factors. All of these factors play a role in the expression of health and disease.

Finally, once the cause of your condition has been discovered, functional medicine practitioners use the best from multiple healthcare disciplines to properly treat the cause. For example, after a careful diagnosis following the use of various imaging and laboratory testing, many practitioners utilize a combination of dietary changes, supplements, and exercise programs.